Friday, August 10, 2007


The KKK and the Republican Party of Texas

According to the Republican Party of Texas, "The embodiment of the Conservative Dream in America is Texas."

Do you:
1. Believe that America was founded as a Christian Nation and that the separation of church and state is a myth?
2. Oppose affirmative action?
3. Oppose anti-gun laws and support public policies which would encourage every adult to own a gun?
4. Oppose hate crime laws?
5. Support a balanced federal budget?
6. Support the death penalty?
7. Favor a flat income tax?
8. Believe that abortion should be outlawed except to save the mother's life or in case of rape or incest?
9. Believe that the practice of homosexuality ought to be a criminal?

Compare and contrast the 2000 Platform of the Republican Party of Texas (1) with the platform of the KKK Knight's Party (2).
(1) Illegal Immigration – No amnesty! No how. No way.
With growing impatience, the American people in overwhelming numbers have asked our government to secure our borders. They now demand it and we as a party agree with the American people. Illegal aliens have, by definition, committed a criminal act. We oppose illegal immigration, amnesty in any form, or legal status for illegal immigrants. The American people remember the broken promises of 1986 and will not be misled again.
We further urge the President to: 1. build a physical barrier along the entire length of our country’s border with Mexico, beginning with urban interface locations and appropriate monitoring 2. deploy the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (I.C.E.) within the U.S. to locate and secure all illegal aliens who have previously entered our country and expedite their return to their source country and 3. expand the use of the National Guard to secure our border.

(2) Put American troops on our border to STOP the flood of illegal aliens.
America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation's founders.

Federal Reserve
(1) The Party calls for the United States monetary system to be returned to the gold standard. Since the Federal Reserve System is a private corporation, has no reserves, and is not subject to taxation or audit, we call on Congress to abolish this institution and reassume its authority, enumerated by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, for the coinage of money.

(2) Repeal the Federal Reserve Act. This illegally passed law gives control of our money to a private corporation. We must return to debt free money - interest free currency issued by Congress as prescribed in the U.S. Constitution.

(1) The party opposes the decriminalization of sodomy....We publicly rebuke judges Chief Justice Murphy and John Anderson, who ruled that the 100 year-old Texas sodomy law is unconstitutional, and ask that all members of the Republican Party of Texas oppose their re-election.

(2) We support a national law against the practice of homosexuality. This is a Christian nation and the Bible condemns homosexual activity and the perversion of our society which it encourages.

(1) The Party affirms its support for a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse making clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection applies to unborn children.

(2) Abortion should be outlawed except to save the mother's life or in case of rape or incest. Abortion is nothing other than government legalized murder. While we stress the need for a moral and Christian lifestyle, we applaud those women who choose to give life rather than murder one of God's children.

Christian Nation
(1) The Republican Party of Texas reaffirms the United States of America is a Christian nation, which was founded on fundamental Judeo-Christian principles based on the Holy Bible. . .Our Party pledges to do everything within its power to restore the original intent of the First Amendment of the United States and the concept of the separation of Church and State and dispel the myth of the separation of Church and State. . . Since Secular Humanism is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as a religion, and our government–funded schools are prohibited from teaching any religion, the Party believes that Secular Humanism and New Age Religion in any form should be subjected to the same state and federal laws as any other recognized

(2) The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation. As James Madison, known as the "Chief Architect of the Constitution stated; " We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves to control ourselves to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

(1) We urge that the IRS be abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution be repealed. A constitutional tax, collected and controlled by the States, must generate sufficient revenue for the legitimate tasks of the national government.

(2) A flat income tax should be introduced to allow for the funding of community, state and federal projects. This should be the one and only tax allowed. It is the only fair way to collect revenue and does not discriminate against any economic class.

Gun Control
(1)Right to Keep and Bear Arms – The Party calls upon the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress to repeal any and all laws that infringe upon the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution; and to reject the establishment of any mechanism to process, license, record, register or monitor the ownership of guns. We urge the Legislature to clearly declare that it has the exclusive authority to determine where firearms may or may not be legally carried in the State of Texas, and that no other state governmental entity and no local governmental entity may regulate or prohibit the possession of firearms. We believe it is the responsibility of all gun owners to safely store and operate their firearms.

(2) Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon. The cure for crime in America is not take guns off the streets but to put more guns ON the streets. Violent criminals should be punished, but law abiding citizens should be allowed to defend their homes, business and families with out fear of the federal government treating them as the criminal.

Balanced Budget
(1) Balanced Budget – The Party supports full disclosure of all “on” and “off” budget spending. We demand that our federal legislators vote only for balanced budgets, and that the Social Security Fund never be used to balance the budget. In case of a budget surplus, it should never be used to increase spending. We also support zero-based budgeting.

(2) Balance the budget. Just as any family must balance their budget so must the federal government. Accordingly all present federal debt owed to the criminal private Federal Reserve corporation should be canceled.

Death Penalty
(1) Capital Punishment – The Party believes that capital punishment, when properly applied, is a legitimate form of punishment and an effective deterrent for the most severe and heinous crimes. When applied, capital punishment should be swift and unencumbered.

(2)We support the death penalty for those convicted of molestation and rape. The only way to put an end to this cycle of abuse is to stop the sexual abuser once and for all.
The 2008 platform of the Republican Party of Texas is available as a pdf document here but, as you might imagine, it isn't much different from the 2000 version.

By the way, the James Madison quotation in the KKK platform is bogus, and the reference in the Republican Party Platform to the U.S. Supreme Court recognizing secular humanism as a religion is a distorted reference to footnote 11 in the 1961 decision in Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488. The footnote reference is what lawyers call obiter dictum. The Supreme Court has never held that unorganized secular humanism is a religion, the court simply noted a California case that granted a tax exemption to organized secular humanists.

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