Friday, July 13, 2007
Bong Hits 4 Jesus
Regulating broadcast “fairness” - The FCC should stay out of it.
Regulating broadcast “decency” - The FCC should stay out of it.
Campaign finance “reform” - Donations should be disclosed, but that’s it. McCain-Feingold and similar laws should be repealed or declared unconstitutional. Buckley v. Valeo was wrongly decided.
Bong Hits 4 Jesus - It’s free speech. There is no drug exception to the First Amendment. School officials should stay out of it. Morse v. Frederick is wrongly decided.
In the recent 5-4 decision in Morse v. Frederick, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the conservative majority said:
The message on Frederick's banner is cryptic. It is no doubt offensive to some, perhaps amusing to others. To still others, it probably means nothing at all. Frederick himself claimed "that the words were just nonsense meant to attract television cameras." But Principal Morse thought the banner would be interpreted by those viewing it as promoting illegal drug use, and that interpretation is plainly a reasonable one.Wrong. The school officials should not have been given the benefit of the doubt. "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" doesn't promote the use of illegal drugs by minors. It's political speech advocating the legalization of marijuana. The government is afraid to expose high school students to a free and fair debate of the drug legalization issue for the same reason that they are afraid to expose high school students to a free and fair debate of the abstinence issue. They know the pro-legalization and anti-abstinence side would win the debate.